FG Haggerty Company is committed to providing a safe working environment for its employees and anyone associated with a project. OSHA, USACE, and all other safety regulations are strictly enforced. FG Haggerty Company employees undergo safety training as part of the orientation program and are continuously recertified throughout their employment with the company. The company also offers First Aid/CPR and OSHA training classes so that all employees have up-to-date and relevant safety training. Continuous safety education is the cornerstone of FG Haggerty Company’s safety program. “Be ALERT” is our company safety slogan.
FG Haggerty Company strongly believes that safety should never be sacrificed in order to meet budget or schedule constraints. Our safety program is administered and regulated by a full-time safety director. FG Haggerty Company’s safety program is designed with the objective of zero accidents and injuries in order to position the company toward continuously reducing its Incident Rate and EMR.